Sunday, January 18, 2009

Let The Little Children Come To Me

Since Nevaeh left to go and visit her father over the Christmas holiday, it seems that every where I go, there are children. There are babies, toddlers, elementary aged kids around my daughter's age and then there are the "tweens." It seemed that every time Ken and I would attempt to go some place, to escape the emptiness of our house without Nevaeh, we would be inundated with kids of every age. At first, I must admit, it made me a little sad and lonely for my child. Then, the bible verse, "Let the little children come to me." (Matt. 19:14) kept playing over and over in my head. I had no idea what God was trying to tell me, so I kept allowing myself to hear it again and again and silently asked God to make His will known to me. What was it about that particular verse that He wanted me to understand?

I went to the Source....The Word. I read chapters 18 and 19 in Matthew and it started becoming rather clear. We live in a world where there is an overabundance of the bible, I believe the word that is used most often instead is "haughtiness." We are a vain bunch of people at times. We tend to get so caught up in our own private little worlds and what is happening to US, that we miss what God is trying to show us in the REAL WORLD.

Have you ever watched a child? Really sat and just studied a child? They are so full of wonderment and innocence. If they see another child in the mall that is in a stroller and perhaps has snot running down their face and their diaper stinks to high heaven.....the child will look up at his mother or father and say.."Oh look at the cute little baby." We, as adults, drive down Broadway or West End in Nashville and see dirty, homeless people pushing carts with all of their earthly belongings in them in the dead of winter and we drive right past. Now, I am not saying that we FEEL nothing....but, do we take that opportunity to say to that child strapped safely in the backseat of that nice warm car you are driving, "Oh bless that poor man's heart. He is without a home. Aren't we blessed?" And, once you are home, does it bother you until it spurs you into action?

Can you imagine that day hundreds of years ago when all of these loving parents had come from far and wide with their precious little children and all they wanted was to have Jesus place His hands on and pray over them? The disciples were shooing them away and admonishing the parents for having the audacity to bother Jesus with mere kids! But, that did not set well with the Savior. He announced, "Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, because the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." (Matt. 19:14)

I truly believe that when Jesus told His disciples, as He held a dear child in His arms, that "I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven," (Matt. 18:3-4) He was saying that we must get back to the innocence that children possess. They are incapable early on of prejudice of any kind. They have no idea how to hate...that is something that is taught! They are shy by nature, the bible calls that "meekness." How many times did you hear while growing up "The meek shall inherit the earth." (Matt.5:5)?
A child is relentlessly forgiving. Someone can commit a horrible act against a child and what do they do? They are trying to hug the same person a few minutes later. I know that there have been many times that I lost my patience with my children and blew my stack, yelling when I shoud have remained calm and spoke softly and several minutes later, here would come a contrite little person asking for MY forgiveness. Those are the times that we should fall to our knees and thank God for the love He places in the heart of a child and beg for some of the same type of love for our own adult hearts.

When we love a child, we love God Himself. The next time you get a chance, just sit and watch a child as he or she goes about their every day life. They are everything that is pure in this life. They are always so filled with awe. Try to see life through their eyes.....when you do, you will get a tiny glimpse of Christ.

"....whoever welcomes a little child like this in my name welcomes Me." (Matt. 18:5)

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