Friday, February 15, 2013

Loving Lent

For the last 4 years, I have given something up for Lent. Having been raised in the Baptist Church, we did not observe Lent in the same way  the Methodist Church does, where I find myself presently. The first year after Ken and I got married, I didn't "observe or participate" in Lent because I felt I had already given up something....being a Baptist! However, the next year I found myself eager to give something up. That first year, I gave up chocolate. Anyone that knows me knows that I am a lover of ALL THINGS CHOCOLATE! The next year, chocolate again! I really do love my sweets, but I am not sure that it felt like a huge sacrifice to me. Last year, I gave up ALL sweets and I really thought I was giving up something major.

This year, I went in a different direction. I am always striving for a deeper, closer relationship with God. I never want to stop growing in that relationship....the most important one I will EVER nurture. So, this year I asked God to speak to my heart and let me know what He thought I should give up. I was very surprised by what He laid on my heart (and so quickly too!).

I have given up Facebook for Lent. I didn't go into this lightly. I love Facebook for a lot of reasons. I love to read all of the encouraging things my friends post. I love scriptures that Ms. Helen puts up every single morning. I love seeing pictures of my grandchildren. And, just to be completely honest, I love Bingo Blitz. But, I have given it up for these 40 days and I am okay with that!

After our Ash Wednesday service at church, I was happy to see that once we got home, I didn't begin to suffer any Facebook withdrawals. I didn't get on the computer at all. I found myself studying the Word more. I am reading the books that I have bought for inspiration and encouragement. I am digging so deep to figure out who God wants me to be. I am talking to my Father in heaven a lot more.

Yesterday, I took my 9 year old daughter to two different nursing homes and she handed out her hand made valentines. The smiles on the faces of all those precious senior citizens warmed my heart and thrilled Nevaeh. We stopped at an apartment complex and she went to the door to give a couple of women her valentines and they hugged her and thanked her profusely. Our last delivery was to my little granddaughter Riley in Clarksville and then we had lunch together. We discussed why we give up things for Lent along with a myriad of other topics.

As we were returning to Erin, Nevaeh asked me if her Papa would be home when we got there. Ken had been at a meeting and then had some Valentine deliveries of his own to make in Clarksville, so I told her he would not be home for awhile. She seemed saddened by this. She then dropped a bomb on me. "I really wish Papa was going to be home. I really want to go to the park and I know you like to rest in your room in the afternoons." WOW! Usually, after we home school, I do retreat to my room for some alone time and I am usually on my computer got it, FACEBOOK!

When we did get home, Nevaeh went upstairs and I sat in my recliner thinking....this is the time that I would probably be on facebook, reading and responding to posts. But at that moment, God spoke to my heart and told me, "Take your daughter to the park!" It was a lovely day, the type we do not often see in February. I called her down and when I said "Let's go to the park," she was overjoyed. We walked hand in hand to the park and played for an hour and then over to the library.

Last night, before Nevaeh went up to bed, she brought me a little Valentine bag. Inside there was a beautiful handmade card with the red ribbon I had put in her hair that morning. She had put a red heart sticker on the outside and on the inside she wrote...."Thank you mommy for making this the best Valentine's Day ever!" She also included a valentine sucker (since you did give up chocolate too, mommy!) and a little plastic heart that had a little silver bracelet in it of hers.

Moments like that come along rarely in life. When your child, gives up their "treasures" for you out of love, you see God in those moments. I would have missed that and more yesterday if I had ONLY given up chocolate.

Every year, Lent becomes something MORE for me. This year, yes, I gave up two things....Facebook and chocolate. But, it is NOT really about what you are giving is about what you gain! I thank God for all He is showing me and what is yet to come.

Even though I will share my blog and all of my friends and family will see it from Facebook, realize that I am not on there. I am really going cold turkey here.....I am loving Lent!

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Love Letters

As we draw closer to Valentine's Day, many women are getting that downright giddy feeling of anticipation. "Is he going to send me flowers?" or  "Will he pick out a beautiful piece of jewelry?" or even, "I hope he remembers!"

Valentine's Day is a special day for many. It is the "official" day of love. I have a dear friend that said something years ago that made me see this holiday in a totally different light! I worked with a young man named Michael and he lived with his single mom and two sisters. They were and continue to be a loving, close knit family. As Michael and I were having lunch so long ago, it was almost Valentine's Day and I asked him if he was going to be doing anything special for his mom and sisters and I will NEVER forget what he said.

"I like to do special things for my mom and sisters all year. Valentine's Day is just a day on the calendar for loser guys that don't do nice things for their women all year long." I  had to admit, he was right. I do love Valentine's Day, mostly through my daughter's eyes....she lights up when she gets flowers delivered. Even so, her Papa does special things for her all throughout the year.

This week, I received a Love Letter a little early. I opened the envelope and it was a single sheet of notebook paper, handwritten, all in red ink and it is and forever shall be a cherished treasure. The first part of the letter was from my mother and it reads....(anything in parenthesis or capitalized is Mom's):

To My Baby Girl Julia Whom I'm so proud to say, "I'm Julia's Mom. Please always remember that! This should probably be taped to your bathroom mirror where you could read t everyday.YOU may not realize it Julia, but it is 100% true.

1. There are at least 2 people in this world that would die for you.
2. At least 15 people in this world love you in some way. (many more)
3, The only reason anyone would ever hate you is because they want to be just like you. (oh yes!)
4. A smile from you can bring happiness to anyone, even if they don't like you.
5. Every night SOMEONE thinks about you before they go to sleep.
6. You mean the world to someone.
7. You are SPECIAL and UNIQUE!
8. Someone that you don't even know exists loves you.
9. When you make the biggest mistake ever, something good comes from it. (Right?)
10.When you think the world has turned its back on you, take another look! (A loving command from Mom)
11. Always remember the compliments you received. Forget about the rude remarks.

God loves you Julia, and so does your Mom, very much. God Bless. Now start and continue to write. You have much to say and give through your writing.

And then at the bottom, yet another love letter:
Good morning Julia, this is God, Creator and Owner of the entire Universe. I will be handling ALL your problems today. I won't need your help. Ok? So go have a nice day.
Your Father God

After I finished reading this my heart was so full. All of the love that my mom has for me, she wrote out on paper. It means so much in this particular season of her life because mother is getting older and she tires easily, has arthritis and sometimes it's hard for her to write. I realize that there is NOTHING that I really want or need that could top what mother gave me for Valentine's Day.

I pick up my Bible and read and study each day because my mother FIRST did the same. I go to church and serve God because my mother did FIRST. The first LOVE LETTER I ever received was that little rainbow Bible placed in my hands with Jesus sitting on a stone with all of the little children  gathered around Him.

So, as Valentine's Day gets closer and closer.....many men will find themselves out searching for just the right gift and I know that their wives or girlfriends will love and appreciate whatever was chosen for them. As for me, I will read and reread this love letter from mother and when I see that red ink, I will think of Christ, shedding His precious blood for me. I will hug the Scripture closer to me....because It is and forever will be the greatest Love Letter ever written!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Teach Us All Lord

The majority of the time, I stay away from commenting on political issues...I have learned, especially after this presidential election, people can be VERY serious about their politics. The truth is, I couldn't get on Facebook even one day, for the better part of last year, without being bombarded with attack ads on both candidates and it always bothered me. The naive child inside of me just wanted to see a nice, clean well run arguing, just their individual platforms and then allow each and every person to go out and rock the vote!

Well, it didn't happen that way and I made the mistake of making a comment on a post and it caused what I considered an all out "free for all." So, I stepped away and have been very careful since then.

However, I find myself in a territory again that I don't enjoy visiting...but sometimes, it is a necessity. If I have learned one thing, I do not act or react based on MY own feelings. I do give the Holy Spirit full control though....a lesson that took many years to learn. Obedience to my God is way more important to me than how any human being feels or thinks about me. That being said, brings us to the here and now.

I was reading some posts on Facebook last night and as always, there are several thing posted that I just pass without even bothering to comment. (Holy Spirit at work again, let me tell ya!) But, then I come upon a picture that I see...and I continue to look at it and read the sign the man in the picture is holding. I struggle with what my soul is speaking to me.....but, I have also learned to "wait upon the Lord" because I have noticed when I shoot off at the mouth, I tend to make a mess of things. The sign the man was holding read:

"Don't spread my wealth...spread my work ethic."

I sat for several minutes after having read it and did a little inner battle with the Holy Spirit, because I just thought "God is on the throne....He can handle this." And then it just didn't go away.....that is how I always know that I am being prompted to write...and I never feel they are my words, but His!

Personally, I feel that this statement goes against EVERYTHING that I believe in. Before I get mauled to death....understand I am not saying for anyone to go out and give away everything that you have. I do get that people work very hard for their money. That said, we are not all given the same chances in life. There are people struggling with drug addiction. Do we know why? What is their story? Were they abused? Did they grow up in a home where drug use was an everyday occurrence? We have single parents living in public housing with children. Some are bettering themselves by attending college and working toward a goal, while others are trapped in the never ending cycle of poverty they were raised in. WHATEVER the reason someone is not as fortunate as me is a non issue as far as I am concerned.

You see, years ago, I was one of those women. I lived in public housing. I was on food stamps. I was on government insurance. I struggled to make ends meet. I had lost my job, my home, my car...everything. I was married at the time and my then husband had lost his job too. There were times that I took my little baby I had adopted and cleaned apartments that people had abandoned in housing, just to take money off of our rent for the month. For me, it was a "stepping stone." I had lived in a nice home, had a good job, worked hard and had a nice car. My kids had, up until that point, had a pretty easy life. I had EXPERIENCED first hand, what life could be. Sadly, others are not as fortunate.

As a child of God, I take it to heart when I read "From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked," (Luke 12:48) I am assured that everything I have was given to me from Christ. We must always remember that anything and everything we have, we did NOT acquire it on our own. I hear so many people say "Oh yes I did! Through hard work sweat and tears....I earned every single thing I have."  I am not disputing that you worked hard....but as a christian, we are given gifts and talents. If you have a strong work ethic, GOD handed that down to you...maybe it was through your parents. Perhaps it was from another adult that took you under their wing....but YOU didn't get their on your own strength and merit alone.

Scripture also tells us that God loves a CHEERFUL giver. I love to give. I have no problem giving until it hurts. I was on the other side of having "plenty." It taught me to not only give, but to reach out to others that are less fortunate....and when we reach out brothers and sisters....reach out with your hearts. When we are really looking to help others...we will do it in a way that allows God's children, made in HIS image, to retain their dignity. We never should do anything for another human being for the sole purpose of shining among men...if you do that, you already have your reward.

Yes.....the sign in the picture "Don't spread my wealth...spread my work ethic" touched a very sensitive spot in me. Maybe this man will be moved by Almighty God and say to himself...."I am not going to wait for someone else to teach my work ethic...I am going to go out there and look for ways to encourage, build up and help someone that is less fortunate. I will teach them what it means to have a strong work ethic."

 “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.”  That is a beautiful Chinese proverb I have read many times over the years. It is very true. If I were to make my own sign and hold it up for the world to see, I think it would say this....wish I could take credit for these words, but the God I serve said it:

"The KING will reply, I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for ME!"