Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Counting It All Joy

Let's face it....there are days in all of our lives that seem less exciting than others, right? I wake up some mornings eager for the day to begin and others, frankly, not so much!

There are mornings I have to talk myself out of bed. Yesterday was one such day. I knew that there was a lot I needed to accomplish and I had a very set amount of time to get it done. I started the day off with my quiet time with God and a cup of coffee. It was a "two chapter reading" type of day. As I read my Bible I was trying to suck up any and all energy and enthusiasm that Paul seemed to put out on a daily basis in his travels and preaching. I wouldn't be traveling OR preaching, but I had a journey ahead of me.

CLEANING the parsonage! That's right! The down right dirty, nitty gritty cleaning that happens a few times a year. Moving furniture, polishing hardwood floors, baseboards, windows....not for the weak at heart cleaner! I worked several hours straight and without total exhaustion. I prayed for energy and God gave me energy! As I accomplished one goal, I'd stand for a few minutes and allow myself to enjoy the success from my labor.

I realize that my cleaning is not going to make the news as anything extraordinary or amazing to others. But, I realized that as I cleaned....I wasn't viewing it as a CHORE. I was happy as I worked. I was finding the joy in the cleaning.

What will you find joy in today?

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