Wednesday, May 27, 2009

If We Are The Body....WHY?

There is a christian song that I dearly love and each time that I listen to it, it just spurs me into action. The Casting Crowns came out with "If We Are The Body" a few years back that truly should resonate with christians everywhere.

This morning as I was reading a devotional. the scripture I read made me pause and for some reason that particular song came to mind.

"Therefore confess your sins to each other and PRAY FOR EACH OTHER so that you may be healed." (James 5:16) (The emphasis is MINE!)

I got to thinking....if we are the body of Christ, then we should feel pretty confident when we come to one another with hurts, or particularly stressful things going on in our individual lives. There should never be any judgement on either side. We should be more than ready to reach out to each other and offer our love and prayer and understanding. Sadly, we have all met those that claim to be part of the body of Christ yet when one of us falls or experiences trouble, they seem to rejoice in our sufferings. There is way too much time and emphasis put on what I call...."Non-Advancing-Of-The-Kingdom" issues! While it is necessary to halt everything and take a stand and fight for something that we believe in at just feels like wasted time if it is not working toward the common goal of the body of Christ.

The lyrics of the song say it best....."If we are the body, why aren't HIS arms reaching? Why aren't HIS hands healing? Why aren't HIS words teaching? If we are the body, why aren't HIS feet going? Why is HIS Love not showing THEM there is a way? There is a WAY!!" If that song does not do something for you...something is wrong!

While there are a lot of articles out there written by christians, and I have read many is doing NO good whatsoever if your actions are not lined up with God's Word. I am not judging, I am speaking about myself also. I am blessed to be a part of the body of Christ and take it seriously. But, if we are to reach a lost world for the kingdom of Christ....then we must operate as ONE. ONE BODY....ONE MIND! That is rather impossible to achieve if the body of Christ is warring with each other. How does that look to the lost of this world?

Pray for each other.....I am praying for YOU! Please pray for me!

1 comment:

  1. I loved this post and it was so true. Thank you for sharing some of the words to the song and making it more real for people who read the blog. I am going to refer this to a friend and we are going to spread the word about a sister in Christ. Keep praying and believing! God bless now and forever plus one more day!
