Monday, May 25, 2009

I'm NOT Trying!

When we go through hard times, it sometimes takes us awhile to get things through our own "thick skulls." We pound our heads against a wall so many times, and ultimately what we are left with is....a headache. Why do we seem to be going around and around the same mountain? It never ceases to amaze me that there are trying times in our life that we must go through and our faith is at an all time high. We tend to breeze through one thing and struggle with another. While our faith is not completely lost, it does take a hit. That is what makes us all human.

How many times in my life have I said "I cannot do this, it is just too hard,"? Nothing is impossible for God. There are so many stories in the Bible that I love to read that show against impossible odds, God can make anything happen. I've also read of those people that were intent on making things happen on their own, causing themselves and those they loved great heartache. During the time that they thought they were in control and knew better than God....they were creating a whole other set of heartaches, that had they only waited on God and allowed Him to would have been much happier.

During this difficult, but necessary time in mine and my husband's life, I have found myself at times, TRYING to make things happen and TRYING to handle things on my own. Throughout my times of TRYING....I have come to the realization that I am NOT TRYING any more. When we are so busy TRYING to do things and make things happen through our own power...we are not doing one very major thing. TRUSTING! Leaning on the One that makes things happen.

So, I am not going to keep TRYING....that is quite tiring. I am going to spend my time TRUSTING. God can handle it all. My favorite verse in the Bible is "I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me." Phillipians 4:13

Life is not always pleasant and there are things in life that we would not care to go through....but, we can look at it as a time for spiritual growth. Adversity is a real part of life. If you want to find out WHY we face certain adversities in our lives....just remember, we are more apt to be "clued in" if we respond to the actual adversity correctly! Is there a correct way? You betcha! See it for what it is. Our faith is given the chance to grow through accept it. The very things that tend to frustrate and anger us will be met with a calmness and peace, when you just allow God to work.

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